Alban Mannisi
Scapethical_Custodian Heuristics
Propose an Immersive Dialogue
19 August 2024
Imran Hassan_A Little Wild
Bjorn Low_NUS DOA
Jeff Hou_NUS DOA Head of the Department
Firdaus Sani_Orang Laut SG
10 -12 am
@ A Little Wild_Johor_Malaysia
7 pm onward
@ City Sprout_Singapore
The climate crisis awareness has enabled considerable changes that equitable political ecologies celebrate today. However, environmental, spatial, and social injustices are accentuated by neoliberal mechanisms camouflaging renewed issues thanks to Sustainable Development’s positivist communication design.
In a region such as Nusantara, where successive exogenous settlers have used this environmental vitalism to produce a colonial landscape ensuring the westernisation of lifestyles and the pursuit of Enlightenment imperialism, attempts are currently happening to rejuvenate a dialogue between exogenous aesthetics and indigenous seafarer cultural landscapes. It is this fragile alliance, due to its insidious exclusion from contemporary debates, that we would like to discuss with various environmental applied ethics advocates.
At a time of revitalisation of indigenous engineering in the resilience of our common ground and growing criticism of Western hegemony narratives, we will try to bring out new social ecology thoughts claiming the environmental ethics of Nusantara at the heart of dialogic practice and contemporary customs.
Voir en ligne : A Little Wild