IALE, International Symposium of Landscape Ecology, Beijing, 18-23 août 2011.
Nowadays the involvement of public stakeholder in the process of territorial management testifies globally everyone’s willingness to get involved in Landscape Modelling. Also it makes tangible the crisis of the legitimacy of representative democracies. This willingness shows in non-governmental associations that each society developed in very different ways according to their relation to the environment.
In Japan where the political and economic policies have favored the disintegration of the civic reconciliation structures on the level of spatial problems since 1945, it surges, thus, the new practices of societal implication which is to renew the understanding of their environment in the early 80ties.
Therefore, it is that the Research Center KAMOKEN on Sado Island (佐渡島 ) where a multidisciplinary team consisting of indigenous people, government officers, and university researchers produces a fully independent research in order to form the basis of a Local Governance, and also based on the ecological restoration project of the inside Lake, to provide a veritable response induced by its relation to the environment through a thorough collaboration.
For this, we will have to address the early history of Non-Profitable Organization (NPO) of environment so as to understand the Japanese specificity as we seize the contribution of these organisations to the reconstruction of the devastated areas after March 11, 2011.