AMP > Actions > Valorisation > withdrawal maritimities _ NON-ANTHROPOGE
Année : 2022

withdrawal maritimities _ NON-ANTHROPOGENIC DESIGN

Alban Mannisi is Invited to give a lecture on withdrawal maritimities _ NON-ANTHROPOGENIC DESIGN at the Asian School of the Environment, Nanyang University of Technology, Earth Observatory of Singapore, Singapore.
29 August 2022 _ 2 pm

The frenzy of ecological and ontological upheavals of the past 20 years has enabled to sabotage environmental imperialism, but also dismantle the fundamentals of our extractive civilization.
Within the exponential rise in environmental washing, what is the political ecology that withstands in the face of Anthropocene obscenities, viable for innovative human/non-human mutualism that we can assume ?

We will explore various epistemological anarchism apparatus as well as attempts of applied ethics deployed through various Applied Ecosophy to revitalise indigenous and autochthonous practices and culture such as the Nusantara Maritimities.